Upcoming Classes and Groups!
In late 2018, Eva M. Fernandez, LMSW of Compassionate Consulting and Sofia Torres, LPC and Maria Marcon, LPC of Venus Springs Advocacy for Community Enrichment, LLC began a collaboration: Adulting Together. We are the first of it's kind in Texas to offer on-going life skills (adulting) classes to the masses. Each month, we offer classes on building self-reliant life skills and guiding young adults/millennials through the next transition in their lives. We will focus on job and academic coaching, finance basics, work balance, and goal setting skills. Our classes are guaranteed to make Adulting easier! (1 of 5 sessions) Ages 16+
Facilitated by certified coaches and licensed counselors
For more information on Venus Spring Advocacy for Community Enrichment, please visit www.venussprings.org
To register for classes, please visit Eventbrite
More classes to come soon!
Special Thanks to Brident Dental and Flores-Fernandez Engineering for Sponorship.